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What Our Students Tell Us
When you are considering where to go to college, it's important to find out what other students think. At Peninsula College, we regularly survey our students to find out how we're doing and what our students like best. In our last survey, students cited the following as superior attributes in our college environment:
Attitude of the teaching staff toward students
Class size relative to the type of course
Challenge offered by their program of study
Quality of instruction in their major area of study
Course content in their major area of study
Availability of their advisor
English as a Second Language Program
If you do not have a high TOEFL score or do not have a TOEFL score at all, Peninsula College has a well-designed ESL (English as a Second Language) Program and is ready to do my research paper help you with your English proficiency. Our ESL program is designed to help you improve your English skills regardless of your educational goals.
If you have a TOEFL score of 500 or above, you can start your college-level courses immediately. If your TOEFL score is between 499 - 460, you must enroll in our ESL classes; however, there are other college-level courses you may be able to enroll in at the same time. One of our counselors can help you find the appropriate classes.

Bored Is a Word You'll Never Hear!
Want to join a student club?
We've got several special-interest ones that you can join, or you can even start your own club with like-minded friends.

A night at the movies?
Our Magic of Cinema Film Series brings you great films each quarter.

Love poetry?
Our Foothills Writers Series and Writer-in-Residence Program bring noted poets and authors to campus for readings, discussions, and workshops.

Devoted to Art?
Our Art Gallery regularly showcases work by national and local artists as well as faculty, and there are great opportunities for student exhibits as well.

Special events?
Our weekly Stadium Generale lecture and performance series brings a variety of speakers, performers, and writers to campus from all over the country and the world.

In addition, we have a whole host of student activities, ranging from Pirate Pete's Week (our team mascot), to noontime concerts and barbeques, dances, fund raisers, field trips, and more. Some of our outdoor programs include hiking, kayaking, and skiing.

More Resources

Peninsula College

Navarro College

How to write a play

How to write an introduction to a research paper

How to summarize an article

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Nemáte svůj účet? Registrací získáte možnosti:
  1. Komentovat a hodnotit filmy a trailery
  2. Sestavovat si žebříčky oblíbených filmů a trailerů
  3. Soutěžit o filmové i nefilmové ceny
  4. Dostat se na exklusivní filmové projekce a předpremiéry

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Nemáte svůj účet? Registrací získate možnosti:
  1. Komentovat a hodnotit filmy a trailery
  2. Sestavovat si žebříčky oblíbených filmů a trailerů
  3. Vytvářet filmové blogy
  4. Soutěžit o filmové i nefilmové ceny
  5. Dostat se na exklusivní filmové projekce a předpremiéry
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