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Original: weedseeds.garden

The world of weed seeds can be a confusing one, with so many options to choose from. That's why we've put together this handy guide for you to find the best weed seeds for your needs.

-Do you want to grow indoors or outdoors?

-What type of environment do you have?

-How much time and space do you have available?

-How much money are you willing to spend on the seeds and the equipment?

-Do you want feminized or regular seeds?

The prevalence of weed seeds has increased due to its legalization in some states in America. People who smoke weed want their weed to be potent and strong at all times, so they need more weed seeds than before to meet this demand.

Weed seeds are the most important part of any weed grower's arsenal.

They are the "seeds" that you plant, which eventually turn into plants that produce marijuana buds.

Weed seeds come in all shapes and sizes, with different strengths and flavors.

The most popular weed seed types are indica, sativa, and hybrid. Indica is more of a body high with a sedative effect while sativa is more uplifting and energizing. Hybrid seeds have traits of both indica and sativa, so they can be either energizing or relaxing depending on the person consuming them.

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