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Review for Angelcare Touchscreen Movement & Sound Monitor AC701-25P

You can stop your online search for The best baby monitors now, because you have just found the answer right here with the Angelcare AC701-25P Monitor.


The Angelcare AC701-25P Monitor is for movements and sound monitoring. The LCD screen interface of the monitor acts as the master control of all the other great features that this baby monitor offers.

The entire package of the baby monitor includes a camera unit, a display unit for parents, batteries for both of the units, movement sensor pad to put under your baby’s bed, an AC adapter, a manual and an appropriate warranty for the entire package.

Despite what the manufacturer claims about ideal range, this baby monitor actually possesses one of the best ranges among the top baby monitors. Instead of the proposed 850 feet range by the producers, the monitor was found to be able to work perfectly up to 2,200 feet in an open area.

It has also been found that the alarm when being out of range did not work properly, when it did not give any signals even though the monitor was clearly disconnected and having poor sound quality.

Other than the alarm issue, this is a great baby monitor option overall. With such long-range capability, this baby monitor will surely be able to deliver the best kind of image quality to give you crystal clear videos.

As a parent, you would surely want to be able to accurately monitor even the slightest change in your baby’s behavior, right? And it is fortunate that this baby monitor is among the top performers in monitoring babies.

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✪✪✪ Visit This Site: Best baby monitors on the market

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In terms of sound quality, it is with regrets for us to say that this baby monitor is not among the top performers. While it certainly performs better than the previous models in Angelcare’s product line, the sound quality of this baby monitor still invokes dreadful feelings to many users with distorted noises. And this poor sound quality is simply too easily overcome by the better products from other brands out there on the market.

But do not worry, as other than the not-so-good sound quality, this baby monitor is still on par with many other great monitors on the market, and offers the same great features.

Some other things to know about this monitor, other than the best crystal-clear quality among video monitors above, are the two-way communication between you and your little one via the LCD screen on the parent unit, the temperature sensors, the settings for nighttime use and the library of lullabies.

In terms of user-friendliness, this baby monitor also ranks among the top. The user interface is designed in such an intuitive way that it is enough for non-tech savvy parents to set everything up and get acquainted with the controls in less than five minutes.

In fact, it is exactly because of this easiness that makes this baby monitor a popular choice among non-tech savvy parents. The monitor has all the essential things that parents need without including the flashy gadgets that you will likely never use.


While this monitor may have some flaws in terms of sound quality, this is still one of the top choices by reviews of Top-rated video baby monitors. With its intuitive and friendly design, you are going to appreciate how easy it is to get everything set up with this baby monitor, especially as a non-tech savvy parent.

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