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Which Specific Characteristics are considered in an ESA Dog?


Are you one of those people who has an immense amount of love for animals especially dogs and you feel better when you are around dogs? It is because dogs provide you comfort and companionship and you don’t feel alone. Most therapists suggest ESA Dogs as your emotional support animal to provide you emotional support to get healed from mental illness and  which can easily avail ESA Letter. If you are seeking an ESA therapy but wondering what specific characteristics of dogs make them the best emotional support animal for you? 


Keeping dogs as pets is dime a dozen but dogs have also proved to be an amazing support for humans to bring them out of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and other psychological issues. ESA dog is the most common animal that is referred by the therapist to their patients. They have many qualities and characteristics that distinguish them from other domesticated animals. Dogs are known for their loyalty, unlike most domestic animals. I will share specific characteristics that are considered in an emotional support dog to help you decide why you should get it for your therapy. 


Characteristics of Emotional Support Dogs 



  • Unconditional love and affection 



Dogs are the most loving and caring creatures. They show extreme levels of love towards their owner. Dogs have special and unique qualities that other domestic animals may not possess. They are best known for their loyalty. They make you feel less lonely. In fact, when you have a dog you almost forget that you ever felt lonely. Dogs have the ability to make you happy and satisfied. 



  • Quick Learners 


Dogs are amongst the most intelligent animals. You can train dogs easily for emotional help. They are better and quick learners. You just have to teach them any trick once and they will learn it quickly. They are used as emotional support animals, service dogs, and many other purposes due to their quick learning abilities. 



  • Strong Bond 



A strong and healthy bond is established between you and your new companion. They will do anything to keep their owner happy. Dogs keep waiting for you to get home and play with you, go on a walk with you and exercise with you. They can accompany you everywhere. They can be your best friend for life.



  • Decrease your Stress Level 



One of the reasons why dogs are recommended as ESA is that they help you decrease the stress level. When you are around dogs you automatically feel so happy and relaxed that your stress fades away. It can help you get over your mental trauma. They even understand human emotions and act accordingly. 


I know you are already convinced to get an emotional support animal but what is holding you back? Are you hesitant because your housing society does not allow you to keep pets? If yes then you need to stop worrying because a legitimate ESA letter for housing will solve all your worries. The letter acts as a permission letter under Fair Housing Act you are allowed to keep your emotional support dog in any circumstances. You can get the ESA Letter easily while sitting at your home on your sofa, through the help of a legit site


You just have to search for an authentic and reliable website service that helps you connect with certified therapists or psychologists. If you accept the request now you can get connected with your therapist. He or she will take an evaluation test to know whether you need ESA therapy or not. If you match the criteria, an email will be sent to you containing all the essential information about your ESA animal. A legitimate ESA letter will be given to you after the approval of your therapist. 


So, What are you waiting for to get your new best friend and homie? 


 Useful Resources:


Which Emotional Support Dog Breeds are the Most Affectionate?

Ultimate Guide Towards Which Emotional Support Dog Breeds are the Most Affectionate

Ultimate Guide Towards Real Emotional Support Animal Letter

Extreme Guide Towards Real Emotional Support Animal Letter

Ultimate Guide Towards Which Emotional Support Dog Breeds are the Most Affectionate

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